Five alive is the process of having only 5 athletes in the rotation at any given time. The purpose is to prevent very long delays between jumps for each athlete.

It works like this:

You have 26 athletes entered named A-Z. (o=clear, x=miss).

First five jump at Bar 1.
A - o
B - x
C - o
D - x
E - x

Next round, same height:
B - o (clear on 2nd)
D - x (2nd miss)
E - o (clear on 2nd)
F - o (first attempt)
G - x (first attempt)

3rd round
D - x (3rd miss, out of competition)
G - o (clear on 2nd)
H - o (first attempt)
I - x (first attempt)
J - o (first attempt)

...and so on. When all have cleared or missed the bar, the bar moves to the next height and the "5-alive" series starts over again.

"Martin J. Dixon" wrote:

 Below is a posting to the Canadian list early this afternoon. Would any of you know the answer to the question?  "The startlist for the NCAA women's vault this weekend might be of interest.
Can someone explain the meaning of "5 alive until less than ten remaining"?"


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