Actually Kenteris was very impressive. His 20.10 came after an
unbalanced end of the turn where he almost went out into the lane
outside of his (he ran on lane 4). His last 80 were strong stuff.

Mats Åkerlind

The Athens Grand Prix exceeded even the most optimist expectations as about
30000 spectators had the chance to watch some of the most brilliant world
athletes to break one European Record and bring a storm of World Leading

Svetlana Feofanova of Russia is the new pole vault record holder with 4, 57

Maurice Greene (9" 91.), Said Sief (3'30"78), Anier Garcia (13"30.),
Katharine Merry (49"58.), Zhanna Pintusevich (10"93.), Tatyana Lebedeva
(14,91 m.), Nicoleta Grasu (68, 31 m.). Sammy Kipketer (12.59.34) set world
leading marks for this season.

But of course, the pick of the enthousiasm came with the end of the 200 m.
race, where the Olympic Champion Costas Kenteris won in a world leading time
20" 10., beating Obikwelu, Heard and Da Silva.

Full results:

Michalis Nikitaridis

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