in my note about Masback wanting to boil down the number of days, in my haste I 
combined concepts and did it badly.

What he inherited was a 5-day nationals (seniors). The axe quickly fell, and we had a 
3-day his first year in office (New Orleans '98).

In '99 it went back up to 4 days, '00 didn't count cuz it was an OT, and '01 was again 
4 days.

The reason NO could do a 3-day, i believe is becuase the synthetic infield forced the 
even worse abomination of long throws outside the stadium. Remove that pressure from 
the infield and you can do the meet in 3 days. But price is too high to pay.

But my basic point stands about no matter what the stadium is, combining the Juniros 
would make for a meet just far too long.


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