Man does not exist as a lone figure.  The guiding concept  that a man can take
without giving, that he/she owes nothing to those who came before, are now, or
will come after, leads neither man, nor sport, nor nation to well being, much
less to happiness.

Ngeny is freely pursuing what he judges his first priority - collecting as much
money this summer as traffic will allow.  Competing at the world championships
is of secondary importance to him, apparently.  How light the hand of "tyranny"
has become.

David Andersen wrote:

> "By the grace of reality and the and the nature of life, man - every man -
> is an end in himself, he exists for his own sake, and the achievement of his
> own happiness is his highest moral purpose."
> - John Galt from Ayn Rand's "Atlas Shrugged"
> Who needs who?  Do the athletes need the federations or do the federations
> need the athletes?  Who does the Kenyan Federation serve by punishing Ngeny?
> They serve their own sense of power. And they ultimately serve up their end
> because the day is coming when the athletes, the people who give the
> federations a reason to exist, say enough is enough and walk away.
> What does everyone else think?

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