I just finished following the shot put "live"
via the Edmonton web site-
and lo and behold, somebody finally got it right!!!

sure, no pictures or video, BUT...

2 view modes- rankings updated in real time, and
a throw-by-throw sequence of marks table, all updated

The only thing that could have been better would be
to have both displayed simultaneously in a single
window, but beggers can't be choosers...

besides...I didn't discover this until after round
3, so didn't have time to "play" with it...

....I'm gonna see in the next event whether I
can open two instances of my browser simultaneously
so I can display both of those view modes side by
side...I have a fairly high bandwidth connection, so
hopefully through-put won't be a problem.

As for the event itself, nothing like a little
pickup for prediction contest purposes after gooseggs
in the men's marathon...

...Harju sure knows how to "peak" doesn't he?
the TV guys said the Sydney champion didn't even get
picked for his national team until a couple of weeks
ago, his season performances had been so unremarkeable...

Now back to the meet...

...oh yeh- good job Rawson!...be sure and remind
D-W-I-G-H-T that you're really King of the Microphone every now
and then :-),
...and surreptitiously press the mute button whenever
anybody named Carol gets within 20 feet of the mike...

Yes, I'm putting my money on Godina over Greene,
Montgomery and Boldon in the 100...Big John gets bonus
put-down points for his comeback in yesterday's press
conference after they yanked the mike away from
Montgomery's trash talking...a classic for the archives...


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