In a message dated Tue, 14 Aug 2001 11:02:01 PM Eastern Daylight Time, 

> Jeez, do the rest of the nations of the world have the same problem getting their 
> athletes to compete? Seems T&F is in a pretty sorry state in that case - I don't see 
>much diminution in competitiveness among Euro and Latin soccer (football) players in 
>non- World Cup years.> 

I never said there was a diminution in competitiveness for U.S. track people in the 
"off" years. They just don't have any incentive to compete at the nationals, and save 
themselves for meets w/ significatn paydays (i.e., Euro Circuit).

Many (most?) other nations don't have similar problems in track because they have 
government-based subsidies for the top athletes, and that buys "loyalty." In the end, 
it all comes down to money for everyone, and I don't mean that in any venal sense, 
just the ability to eke out a living that allows one to continue to train at the 
levels needed.


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