Gerald wrote:

> Obea's problem was that he got mixed up with the wrong crowd, and they
> messed up his mind.  He also got hurt for the first time and did not know
> how to deal with a serious injury.  He tried to come back too soon and
> reinjured himself.  His confidence has been destroyed.  It is really too
> because he probably would have broken the WR in the 400 had he continued
> train and develop in college as he had in AG and HS.

So does that mean that we have seen the last of Obea on the track ?? I know
earlier this year there were reports of him being at one or two different
JCs .. Times that he had supposedly ran .. And that he was on his way back
.. This sounds like Obea is calling it quits .. Which would be a shame for
someone with his talent .. I too got to see him run out here in California
.. And while I am sure he worked very hard, he made it look surprisingly
easy ...

Conway Hill

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