The result below was indeed as the IAAF send it out to their press
distribution list. Is is in fact the one that I still found on the IAAF
internet site about an hour ago.
German television had an interview with Busemann though in which he told that
an appeal by Pedroso was granted and a winning jump was reinstated. This was
also in the IAAF report on the website, indicating a distance of 8.14.
Decathlete Busemann wasn't to disappointed, since he did jump a personal best.
High jump world champion Martin Buss was less successfull in his little
adventure into another event, finishing 9th with a best jump of 7.37.
Wilmar Kortleever

> GP
>                                                             Pts Wind
>     1 Busemann Frank                   GER       8.04      12.0
>     2 Dilworth Kevin                   USA       7.96      10.0
>     3 Pedroso Iván                     CUB       7.95       9.0

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