Hello all,
Most people I talked to these days do not have much sports on their
minds - and what else can you expect. Most mailings lists I know have
been keeping pretty much silent in the knowledge most things are too
trivial to report or discuss compared to what fellow athletes and sports
lovers are going through in the United States. Thoughts and prayers are
with them, as you can see below also those of the IAAF and their
president, Lamine Diack.
Courtesy IAAF Media Department,
Wilmar Kortleever
PS this was send way earlier, I just hadn't gotten around to forwarding

12 September 2001
Transcript of a letter sent to President George Bush by IAAF President
Lamine Diack

Dear President,
On behalf of the International Association of International Athletics
Federations - which has 210 members in every corner of the world - I
would like to send our most sincere condolences at the shocking and evil
attacks on US soil yesterday.
Our sport of track and field athletics is based on the principle of
friendly and peaceful competition and tolerates no discrimination based
on sex, or race or religion. Cold hearted, brutal terrorism is an
affront to all civilised behaviour and cannot be tolerated.
Our prayers are with the victims and their loved ones and we hope that
your great nation will find the strength, and faith, to recover from
this blow.
Yours sincerely,
Lamine Diack
President of the International Association of Athletics Federations


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