I am in total agreement with Bob Hersh.  Our war is with the terrorists and
not with Muslims/Moslems.  If you read the Koran, you will find that what
these fanatics believe and practice is not in the Koran.  Their leaders have
so corrupted the religion of Islam, that what they practice does not even
come close.

Our forefathers originally came to this country to get away from religious
persecution.  Obviously, Ann Coulter does not know this and does not believe
in our Constitution and Bill of Rights!  Her religious prejudice is the part
of the same crap that helps fuel these fanatical terrorists!

I have many close friends who are Moslem, some of whom have been my friends
since my college days back in the early 60's!  They are totally appalled
about what has happened, and a few have suffered some abuse since last
Tuesday, only because they are Moslem!  They are American citizens and
deserve better.  Again, our fight is with the terrorists who perpetrate
these acts, not ALL Muslims/Moslems.


-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]On Behalf Of
Sent: Monday, September 17, 2001 8:16 AM
Subject: Re: t-and-f: A note of comparison

on 16/9/01 4:35, Robert Hersh at [EMAIL PROTECTED] wrote:

> This kind of thinking is what's unfortunate.  It is morally and factually
> wrong to equate Islam with terrorism.  Most Muslims are not terrorists.
> certainly hope that our nation's leaders do not make the mistake of
> the fight against terrorism into an effort to destroy a religion.

I take it you're not a big fan of Ann Coulter, Bob?

"We know who the homicidal maniacs are. They are the ones cheering and
dancing right now. We should invade their countries, kill their leaders and
convert them to Christianity."Ann Coulter 9/14/2001
( http://www.townhall.com/columnists/anncoulter/ac20010914.shtml )

*** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** *** ***

Besides wondering how hate-mongerers on any stripe get space in any
respectable media, I'm wondering, culturally, how the success of great
Moslem T&F athletes is regarded by these fanatics.  Somehow, I have the
sense that an Aouita or el-Guerrouj might not be the target of terrorism,
but that to the anti-Western radicals they wouldn't be mourned if they were
the secondary victims of a terrorist attack.

I guess if terrorism is a major concern, picking Bejing to host the
Olympics is probably as safe as it gets.  Homogenous, totalitarian regimes
put a big damper on terrorist activities.

OTOH, if the "War on Terrorism" continues for a few years - and I
personally have little reason to suspect that it will be a "one punch"
knockout - Athens in 2004 can't be viewed as a particularly secure venue.


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