It was a 1500

>    I was in Oslo for the Byers ultimate "rabbit stealing the 
> race" story. Tom (Byers) was signed up to rabbit the first 
> 1200 of a World Record attempt (can't remember if it was a 
> Mile or 1500).  Anyways,  it was the final, featured event in 
> Oslo, and the field was great.  I remember Walker,  
> Wessinghage, perhaps Ovett,  and several other of the World's 
> best at that time.
>    We had lunch with Tom that day,  and he was saying his 
> running was going very well,  and to quote, "if those guys 
> aren't with me, I'm going for it".
>    The race started....the crowd was into it, and Tom was 
> doing his job very well.  But the racers were watching each 
> wanted to be the guy behind Byers, and thus 
> the leader after Byers dropped out.
>    So, as these guys were busy watching each other,  and Tom 
> was out front doing his job,  a gap gradually opened up, and 
> increased with each lap.  So with about 300 metres to go,  
> Tom looked around and was maybe 40 or so metres in front of 
> the pack,  and a big pack it was.  Rather than step off the 
> track,  he gunned it down the backstretch,  and for 
> those of us who knew what Tom wanted to do,  it was 
> incredibly exciting. The crowd figured out very quickly what 
> was going on,  and completely forgot about the World Record 
> attempt,  and started to scream for Tom.
>    Finally,  with about 200 metres to go,  the "real racers" 
> figured out what was happening, and set out after Tom.  He 
> was still moving well through the corner,  and they were 
> gaining,  but not that much. Then, coming out of the corner 
> into the stretch,  Tom was tiring, and about 10 guys were 
> trying to find a lane to sprint home in.....I'm sure the 
> outside guys ended up in lane 5 or 6.  With each step in the 
> last 50 metres, the pack got closer to Tom, and the crowd was 
> in total "I'm cheering for the underdog" mode.  Unbelievable 
> drama,  almost like it was being played out in slow motion.
>    About 4 guys passed Byers......unfortunately, that was in 
> the metre or so after the finish line.
>    One of the most exciting events I've ever seen.
>    Ron Bowker
> At 12:51 PM 10/7/2001 -0400, Martin J. Dixon wrote:
> >John Liccardo wrote:
> >
> >> I think Paul Pilkington is the name you're searching for.
> >>
> >> John
> >>
> >> >
> >> >The name I was trying to remember was Bob 
> Kampenian(sp???) I think. 
> >> >How about retelling the Byers tale Malmo.
> >> >Regards,
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >Martin
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >
> >> >
> >>
> >> _________________________________________________________________
> >> Get your FREE download of MSN Explorer at 
> >>
> >
> >Right. Thanks. Bob had his own claim to fame. Afghanistan is 
> being hit 
> >as
> I type this.
> >Regards,
> >
> >
> >Martin
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >
> >

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