I think the first questions is, why do you still have a subscription to Runner's World?

Harold Richards wrote:
> My Runner's World, January 2002, tells me how to perform better with drugs.
> So, I'm wondering what we really believe about the use of performance
> enhancing drugs. Are we telling our youth to take drugs, just not too
> much?If caffeine is OK, what about ephedrine? If these two are OK, what
> about using both at the same time?
> I read in the news that Floyd Heard tested positive for ephedrine and said
> that he should have read the label of the package of tea that he drank. Ato
> tested positive for ephedrine from an OTC cold medication, according to the
> news. We lost an 800 woman runner in the national indoor meet because of a
> positive test due to a cold medication. Inger Miller lost her bronze medal
> at the World Championships for a positive of caffeine from a soft drink.
> So, what is the message? Some is good(Runner's World), more is bad(USADA)?
> Do we send the message that female athletes should know their
> testosterone/epitestosterone limits and take enough supplements to touch the
> limit but not go over the line?
> What do we really believe?
> Harold
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