Article in the Toronto Globe that is a reprint from the Wall Street Journal
so the link can't be accessed. It's about the whole walk/run thing. I know
that I should just brush it off but I can't help myself. It has the usual
quotes from whoever the "penguin" is and former runner Galloway. The 2 most
irritating quotes(to me) are:
"The paradigm has completely shifted. Running has embraced people who aren't
buying the arbitrary standard that speed is the only criterion"

Does this mean that, eventually, there will be judges, a la synchronized
swimming, that will decide winners based on form? The cold hard reality of
the clock is the beauty of the sport. No luck, no team-mates to let you
down. Nothing. Just you and how hard and well you have trained.

"Even so, the notion of taking walk breaks can be a tough sell, particularly
among former athletes who view running the entire race as a badge of

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