I never accused Greene's marks of being "such", nor do I intend my remarks
to be taken in that light.  However, it is naive suggest that Ben Johnson
was the only such world class athlete to win medals and set WRs.

Evidence?  Well, to begin with: many people chastise Ben for being a
"triple cheat" (even though the circumstances behind his 2nd and 3rd
"positives" were questionable).  However, those same people are quick to
forget CJ Hunter, who had tested positive *at least* 4 times....

Similarly, I believe there have been reports for quite a while about other
names being withheld by USATF, one of whom "won a medal in Sydney".  The
list of names goes back to Seoul, as I understand it.  CJ ate french fries
in the stands at Sydney, so it wasn't him.

So, let's have the names out in the open, and let's make them not count.


On Fri, 12 Jul 2002, Kurt Bray wrote:

> >When the record books are wiped clean of *all* such marks, not just
> >selective, token scapegoat ones, then I'll agree.
> And what is your evidence that Greene's mark is one of the "such marks"?
> When Greene or anyone else test positive or confesses they'll be known
> cheaters too.  And then their marks won't count - just like Ben's.
> Kurt Bray
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