I can't speak for others, but I believe the prevailing opinion is that his
marks were no less legit than most others regarded as valid.

 >take this cynical they-all-must-be-on-dope approach then you not only 
take down say Maurice Greene and Carl Lewis along with dirty >Ben, but you 
take down Canadian hero Donovan Bailey too. He was WR holder not all that 
long ago you know. I thought the virtuous >Canadians, with all their 
soul-searching and national catharsis of the Dubin Commission, had solved 
their dope problems. No?

No ! Since the Dubin Canadian athletes have been tested regularly and any 
positive test, directly after the B sample result ,  has been announced and 
the athlete with drawn from competition immediately. Donovan was one of the 
most tested athletes in the World. I believe that Canada has no pending 
positives, and thus Donovan IS CLEAN.  Until the USATF cleans up their act 
, releases all information on all past positives , and shows that they are 
going to CONTINUE to do the same , all US athletes are suspect. Lewis and 
Greene may be on a list somewhere of hidden US positives ......no one knows.
Ben WAS dirty.....Donovan WAS clean..........Lewis and Greene....who knows 
???? That is the reputation that the USATF and USOC has  created for their 
athletes. I believe that AC has a system that does not do the same for 
Canadian athletes.

 >Personally, I prefer to believe good things about Bailey, Lewis, and 
Greene until some evidence demonstrates otherwise - as it abundantly >in 
Ben's case. That's why I leave Donovan's WR on the list, but Ben's does not 

Because of the Dublin , the consistent testing and punctual announcements 
Lewis and Greene don't deserve to be grouped with Donovan.

 >Kurt Bray

Peter Stuart
Head Coach South-East Athletics
Head Coach NB Canada Games
Coach,Field Events, Universitie de Moncton
NB Coaching Chair
Master Course Conductor
NB CSG web page http://personal.nbnet.nb.ca/stuart/

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