Maybe her bathing habits might be a more appropriate topic then?

"The immediate sensation is quite devastating. Ten minutes? Within six
seconds I am doing laps of the hotel room, shouting obscenities at the
ceiling and grasping my withered manhood with shaking hands."

Geoff Pietsch wrote:

>    Fascinating that this track list spends more time discussing her socks
> than her race.
>    In any case, Garry's point about the wind being a non-factor since Munich
> is enclosed, is valid. Of course it was Garry who brought up the possible
> wind effect: "So long as the wind wasn't too nasty...." And, come to think
> of it, how totally does it block the wind if the athletes are subjected to
> the pouring rain? I suspect the wind can swirl a bit. And I wonder if other
> distance runners agree with my contention that, while rain can be helpful,
> a downpour - even if it doesn't leave the track ankle deep, as Garry said,
> still can be negative if heavy enough.
>    As for the outkicking part, Garry seems to deliberately distort what I
> was saying - to set up a straw man he can then mock. Sorry but I said
> nothing about there being no point in racing since Radcliffe was too good.
> My point was that Radcliffe was too good for that field and if any had gone
> with her it (1)would have helped her (ask any distance runner), and (2)
> those particular runners would have died so the kick would have been
> irrelevant. I'd agree I overstated in saying flatly that no one else can run
> 30:01 - there are some damned tough women out there - but certainly no one
> in that race was ready to do so.
>                                 GP
> >From: ghill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Reply-To: ghill <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >To: track list <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> >Subject: Re: t-and-f: WOW II
> >Date: Tue, 06 Aug 2002 15:23:35 -0700
> >
> >
> >
> > > From: "Geoff Pietsch" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> > > Date: Tue, 06 Aug 2002 18:14:13 -0400
> > > Subject: Re: t-and-f: WOW II
> > >
> > > (2) Yes she has often been outkicked, but no one else can run 30:01.
> > > If someone had gone with her for 5K or more it would have helped her,
> >even
> > > if she did all the leading. And they would not have survived to do any
> > > outkicking.>>
> >
> >If that were the case, we'd never have to run races. Just ask Ron Clarke.
> >Or
> >even better, ask Dave Bedford, who in the summer of '71 ran 27:47.0 to move
> >to No. 2 on the all-time world list, behind only Clarkie.
> >
> >He went to the Euros with a bulge of more than 25 seconds on the next man
> >on
> >the yearly list. And he set a kick-ass pace. But there were guys who could
> >hang with him on this occasion (again, that's why we race; to find out) and
> >he ended up 6th.
> >
> >The most illuminating part of the story is that it was written at the time
> >in all seriousness that had Bedford stayed on the sidelines for 24 laps,
> >just watching the other guys, and jumped into the fray for the final lap,
> >and had run a PR 400.... he still would have been 6th!
> >
> >gh
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