In a message dated 8/26/02 10:37:42 PM, [EMAIL PROTECTED] writes:

<< Has anyone else on this list been yelled at by someone pulling out of a
driveway, that THEY ( the runner) were in the way, because Cars have the

right of way over pedestrians on sidewalks? I will pretty much continue
to run in the street, where I take up no more room than a parked car,
except on major highways with no shoulder. >>

I was actually HIT by a car once while running across a street on my way to 
run on the beach. The genius behind the wheel was looking the wrong way while 
attempting to run a stop sign. Luckily she was going slow and I hit her hood 
with my hands and landed on my butt. But her response was classic: when I got 
up and yelled at her she said "you ran into ME!" Too bad I don't weigh 4,000 


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