Hi All,

Earlier this week, I mentioned that I was putting together a list of the top
20 finishers from the men's US Marathon Championships from the last decade.
This was stimulated by an interest in those sorts of stats but also a desire
for some idea of what it has taken recently to breach the top ten in a US

So, this is what I was able to compile.
I'm still missing most of the runners from the '92 trials.  Heck I WATCHED
that race, you'd think I'd remember more :-(
I wasn't able to find anything but the winner from '93, not even the
location :-(
Only 3 of the LA Marathon runners from the '94 champs I've listed are U.S.
runners - if anyone has more in depth results that would be great.
11th through 20th from the 1995 race were not for me to find.
I only had last names from the 1999 race, so I filled in the firsts from
memory of those I knew.
Any additions would be cool!
I have plumbed the depths of the internet and discovered that everything is
there - IF it happened after 1995 :-)

Many thanks to the Track and Field News website archives for some of these
results.  Most of the otheres were from race website historical archives.
The more scattered results are from various articles mentioning something
like "...the '92 trials race where my buddy Jim Hage finished 8th..."  Some
of those are not very reliable :-)

Buck Jones

1992 Olympic Trials - Columbus, OH
1.      Steve Spence    2:12:43
8.      Jim Hage
Ed Eyestone
Kieth Brantly
Bill Reifsnyder
Bob Kempainen

1.      Ed Eyestone     2:14:34

1994 Los Angeles
1. Paul Pilkington                      2:12:13
2. Luca Barzaghi' (Ita)                 2:12:52
3. Andrzej Krzyscin' (Pol)              2:13:21
4. Marnix Goegebur' (Bel)               2:13:23
5. Gumercindo Olmedo' (Mex)             2:13:33
6. Marcelino Crisento' (Mex)            2:13:38
7. Katsuya Natsumi' (Jpn)               2:14:19
8. Ernesto Eberstadt' (Mex)             2:14:33
9. Juan Torres Ruiz' (Spa)              2:14:40
10. Diamantino Dos Santos' (Bra)        2:14:41
11. Danny Gonzalez (Reeb)               2:14:42
12. Santana' (Bra)                      2:14:42
13. Ahmed Salah' (Dji)                  2:15:04
14. Reynoso' (Mex)                      2:15:39
15. Skosana' (SA)                       2:18:37
17. Darrell General (Miz)               2:18:47

1995 Charlotte, NC
1.      Kieth Brantly   2:14:27
2.      Ed Eyestone             2:14:36
3.      Dan Held                2:15:06
4.      Don Janicki             2:15:38
5.      Chris Fox               2:15:53
6.      Terrence Mahon  2:18:01
7.      Kieth Dowling   2:18:17
8.      Darrell General 2:19:08
9.      O'Brien         2:22:20
10.     Ed Holzem               2:25:30

1996 Olympic Trials - Charlotte, NC
1       Bob Kempainen   2:12:45
2       Mark Coogan             2:13:05
3       Keith Brantly   2:13:22
4       Steve Plasencia 2:14:20
5       Marco Ochoa             2:14:22
6       Keith Dowling   2:14:30
7       Dan Held                2:14:53
8       Jon Warren              2:15:59
9       Jeff Jacobs             2:16:13
10      David Morris    2:16:20
11      Terrence Mahon  2:16:28
12      Darrell General 2:16:30
13      Ashley Johnson  2:16:39
14      Craig Woshner   2:16:41
15      Ed Eyestone             2:16:51
16      Budd Coates             2:17:26
17      Jose Iniguez    2:17:42
18      Kevin Collins   2:17:51
19      Dennis Simonaitis       2:17:57
20      John Dimoff             2:18:06
21      Howard Nippert  2:19:08
22      Joe Lemay               2:19:10
23      Tom Redding             2:19:54
24      Steve Wilson    2:19:58
25      Will Kimball    2:20:21

1997 Pittsburg
1. David Scudamore      2:13:48
2. Ed Eyestone          2:16:24
3. Dan Held                     2:16:52
4. Jerod Neas           2:17:25
5. Paul Zimmerman               2:17:51
6. Gary Giffin          2:18:12
7. Micheal Dudley               2:20:25
8. Michael Slinskey     2:21:20
9. Robb Finegan         2:21:59
10. Darrell General     2:22:47
11. Travis Walter               2:23:44
12. Robert Pierce               2:25:18
13. Philip Castillo     2:25:24
14. Andrew Herr         2:26:42
15. Thomas Lentz                2:27:08
16. Budd Coates         2:27:18
17. Tom Jeffrey         2:27:45
18. Abidiel Bouazza     2:27:53
19. David Ciaverella    2:28:51

1998 Pittsburg
1. Keith Brantly                2:12:31
2. Alfredo Vigueras     2:14:52
3. David Morris         2:15:25
4. Darrell General      2:17:58
5. Ed Eystone,          2:18:10
6. Rene Guillen         2:18:55
7. Brad Hudson          2:19:56
8. Dan Mayer            2:20:08
9. Jerod Neas           2:20:43
10. George Luke         2:20:55
11. Robert Devlin               2:21:40
12. Phillip Castillo    2:22:11
13. Steve Swift         2:23:14
14. Scott Larson                2:23:44
15. Robb Finegan                2:24:57
16. Jeff Campbell               2:25:13
17. Eric Shafer         2:25:18
18. Thomas Jeffery      2:25:36
19. Thomas Lentz                2:26:03
20. Kevin Graham                2:27:43

1999 Pittsburg
1.      Alfredo Vigueras        2:14:19
2.      Eddy Hellebuyck 2:16:58
3.      Steve Swift             2:17:26
4.      Ashley          2:19:23
5.      Jon Hume                2:20:09
6.      Craig Dickson   2:20:21
7.      Rolly                   2:20:54
8.      Jason Bodnar    2:21:18
9.      Kurt Kieser             2:21:29
10.     Paradelo                2:21:36
11.     Dave Dunham             2:21:55
12.     Sandercock              2:21:56
13.     Reed                    2:21:56
14.     Johnson         2:22:17
15.     Rene Guillen    2:24:00
16.     Morrison                2:24:44
17.     Darrell General 2:25:50
18.     Decker          2:27:47
19.     Stopen          2:28:57
20.     Spaulding               2:29:14

2000 Olympic Trials - Pittsburg, PA
1.      Rod Dehaven             2:15:30
2.      Peter Delacerda 2:16:18
3.      Mark Coogan             2:17:04
4.      Scott Larson    2:17:15
5       Eddy Hellebuyck 2:18:30
6.      David Scudamore 2:18:38
7.      Gary Stolz              2:18:46
8.      Jeff Campbell   2:19:18
9.      Danny Martinez  2:19:38
10.     Teddy Mitchell  2:20:33
11.     Clint Verran    2:20:45
12.     Kelly Mortenson 2:20:55
13.     Craig Lawson    2:21:01
14.     Fred Kieser             2:21:12
15.     Mike Dudley             2:21:27
16.     Jon Hume                2:21:53
17.     Jeff Jacobs             2:22:13
18.     Josh Cox                2:22:30
19.     Tom Jeffrey             2:22:41
20.     Greg Wenneborg  2:22:47

1.      Scott Larson    2:15:26
2.      Clinton Verran  2:17:20
3.      Chris Lundstrom 2:18:08
4.      Shawn Found             2:18:29
5.      Keith Dowling   2:19:10
6.      Darrell General 2:20:20
7.      Kevin Collins   2:20:24
8.      Peter Sherry    2:20:38
9.      Terrence Mahon  2:21:10
10.     Scott Strand    2:21:16
11.     Weldon Johnson  2:21:44
12.     Kurt Keiser             2:22:13
13.     Brian Clas              2:22:30
14.     Rusty Snow              2:22:55
15.     Jeff Campbell   2:23:53
16.     Chad Newton             2:24:36
17.     Carl Rundell    2:24:44
18.     John Dimoff             2:24:52
19.     Joseph Lemay    2:26:03
20.     Joseph McVeigh  2:26:29

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