Media Contact: Al Heppner
North American Racewalking Institute
Phone: 619-410-1181
September 1, 2002
For immediate release

Seaman extends reign; Armenta sets US best

Ocean Township, NJ--Short distance specialist Tim
Seaman went long this 
morning to win the National 40 km (24.8 miles)
Racewalk Championship and set 
the meet record in a time of 3 hours, 6 minutes, and
15 seconds. Susan 
Armenta set an American Best in capturing the women's
title in 3:32:08, 
despite heavy rain and gusting winds.

The Army's Al Heppner led the rain-soaked pack through
10 km in 47:29, with 
Seaman, Curt Clausen, and defending champion Philip
Dunn walking together, 
nine seconds back. The trio passed Heppner just before
the 13 km mark.

The top three walkers, all from the ARCO Olympic
Training Center in Chula 
Vista, California, passed through 20 km in 1:35:01. As
the weather got worse, 
Seaman and Dunn got faster and Clausen began to fall
off the pace. Dunn 
briefly led at 24 km, after Seaman stopped to go the
bathroom. However, 
Seaman roared back to catch Dunn by 27 km and pulled
away one kilometer 

"Going into the race, I wasn't concerned with my
place. I just wanted to 
negative split (walk the second half faster)," said
Seaman of New York 
Athletic Club.

Seaman speeded through 30 km in 2:20:10, walking 25 to
30 km in 23:09. Dunn 
was 40 seconds back.

"I tried to go with Tim. My heart rate was still
really low, but I tightened 
up," said Dunn of New Balance.

Walking his fastest 5 km from 30-35 km (22:06), Seaman
continued to widen his 
margin over Dunn, which was at 2:06 by 35 km. 

"When I made my move, I did my best to maintain it,"
said the 30-year-old 

Seaman held on over the final 5 km to set a 40 km
personal best and better 
the meet record of 3:13:57 by four-time Olympian Carl
Schueler in 1984. 
Although denied a second consecutive 40 km title, Dunn
was also under the old 
meet record (3:08:34) as the runner-up. This marked
the 18 straight race that 
the previous year's champion failed to defend.
Clausen, the third place 
finisher was also under the old mark (3:12:23). 

"My knee was a little sore, but I finished 35 km last
week and used that for 
inspiration," said Seaman.

The win was a big step forward for Seaman. He has
dominated the shorter 
distances, winning five straight indoor 5 km titles.
Even in the 20 km, 
Seaman has won three out of the past five national
championships. Although he 
trudged his way through the 30 km nationals earlier
this year for a win, this 
was Seaman's first significant victory at a distance
over 20 km, as he 
handled 50 km stalwarts Dunn and Clausen. 

The women's race was no contest, once it became
apparent who the leader was. 
Armenta declared for the accompanying 20 km race, so
it appeared that Erin 
Taylor was the 40 km leader for the first half of the
race. However, Armenta 
was not happy with her 20 km time of 1:42:40 so she
kept going.

"My 20 km wasn't as good as I thought it would be. I
was hoping to walk under 
1:40," said Armenta, of New Balance.

Race director Elliott Denman had told Armenta prior to
the race to "do the 
final 20 km as a cool down" so she could collect the
$300 first prize. 
Armenta declined.

But she ended up doing that and more, as she set a new
US 40 km best. She 
beat the old mark of 3:40:28 walked by Cheryl
Rellinger in 1998 by over eight 
minutes and would have finished fifth in the men's
race. Taylor finished 
slightly over 40 minutes behind Armenta in 4:12:23 to
claim second. Rellinger 
was also in this morning's race, passing Loretta
Schuellein on the final 2 km 
lap to finish fourth (4:19:26).

"Just before 20 km, I slowed to 5:15 per kilometer. I
thought I could hold it 
for 10-15 km more. I figured if I could do that, then
I could get in a decent 
40 km," explained the 28-year-old Armenta. 

Armenta also set a personal best for 30 km along the

Perhaps the most inspiring story, however, was third
place finisher Sherry 
Brosnahan. While nearly one-quarter of the field
called it a day before 
finishing the 40 km race, Brosnahan one-upped Armenta
by continuing on to 50 
km, hoping to set a new master's (40 & over) record. 

Brosnahan was the Energizer Bunny. Down came the rain.
Down swooped the wind. 
But Brosnahan just kept banging the drum. And down
came the World Master's 
Best as she walked 5:21:52.

At the awards ceremony, Brosnahan simply said, "It was
hard." But she said it 
with a smile.

"This was one of the best 40 km Championships ever.
Considering the terrible 
conditions, these were some of the guttiest
performances I've ever seen," 
said Denman.

Temperatures held in the low 60's, but heavy rain
flooded parts of the course 
and gusting winds were particularly troublesome on the
last 500 meters of the 
2000 meter looped-course.

Seaman and company will be back on the East Coast
September 29 for the 
National 1-hour/2-hour Championships on Long Island.
The race will be held on 
the track of Seaman's alma matter, North Babylon High
School. The school's 
claim to fame includes rapper/actor LL Cool J in
addition to Seaman, a 1990 

National 40 km Championships
Joe Palaia Park
Ocean Township, NJ

Place  Name Team/Home  Age  Time  Pace/Mile
1 Tim Seaman  NYAC  3:06:17 -  0:07:30
2  Philip Dunn  30 -  3:08:34 - 0:07:35
3  Curt Clausen NYAC  34 - 3:12:23 - 0:07:44
4  Al Heppner  U S Army  3:27:43 -  0:08:21
5  John Soucheck  Shore AC  37 - 3:47:01 -  0:09:08
6   Billl Vayo  East Side  38 - 3:51:50 -  0:09:20
7  Chris Knotts  Miami Valley  46 -  3:56:25 - 0:09:31
8  Rod Craig  Pegasus AC  44 -  3:58:37 - 0:09:36
9  Erik Litt  Shore AC  34 - 4:15:03 - 0:10:16
10  Dan O'Brien  Pegasus AC  37 -  4:15:42 -  0:10:17
11  Leon Jasionowski  Pegasus AC  57 -  4:17:22 - 
12  Chris Rael  Shore AC  44 -  4:20:22 -  0:10:29
13  Bob Keating  N E Walkers  55 - 4:26:27 - 0:10:43
14  Ed Fitch  Miami Valley 41 - 4:26:45 - 0:10:44
15  Alexis Davidson 46 - 4:27:02 - 0:10:45
16  Tom Quattrocchi  Shore AC 51 - 4:35:20 - 0:11:05
17  Bruce Cooper Kansas  49 - 4:47:28 - 0:11:34
18  Lon Wilson  East Side  55 - 4:50:09 - 0:11:40
19  Jack Starr  Phast 74 - 4:57:11 - 0:11:57
20 Jack Blackburn Miami Valley - 5:16:48 - 0:12:45
21  Art Glass  Shore AC  53 - 5:19:14 - 0:12:51
22  Mike Michel Lynn, NC - 5:20:14 - 0:12:53
23  John Molendyk  Shore AC  60 - 5:20:44 - 0:12:54
24  Tom Hartman  Shore AC  60 - 5:21:00 - 0:12:55
25  Edward Gawinski  Phast  5:22:17 - 0:12:58
26  Bill Norton  Shore AC  52 - 5:25:17 - 0:13:05
27  Eliot Collins  Shore AC  50 - 6:04:53 -  0:14:41
     Ralph Edwards  Shore AC  60 - 3:13:10 - 0:12:57
     Jack Lach  Shore AC -  2:29:07 - 0:10:54
     Dick Van Benthuysen  Shore AC  54 - 2:08:35 -
     Alex Major Baltimore  31 - 1:44:50 - 0:09:22
     Wayne Baker  Shore AC  1:03:25 - 0:10:12
DQ  Herb Appell  Pennsylvania  83
DQ  John Fredericks  Shore AC  54

1  Susan Armeta  3:32:08 - 0:08:32
2  Erin Taylor  Park Racewalkers 24 - 4:12:23 -
3  Sherry Brosnahan  Shore AC  50 - 4:15:18 - 0:10:16
4  Cheryl Rellinger  Troy, NY 35  - 4:19:26 - 0:10:26
5  Loretta Schuellein  East Side  24 - 4:20:28 -
6  Anne Gonella  Shore AC  41 - 4:54:17  - 0:11:50
7  Eileen Druckenmiller  5:22:16 - 0:12:58
8  Sandy Rubel  Shore AC 55 - 5:28:32 -0:13:13

     Nancy Linky Shore AC  3:22:08 - 0:13:33
     Joan Venslavsky Shore AC  52 - 2:21:35 - 0:11:24
     Jennifer Marlborough  Park Racewalkers 30 -
1:00:44 - 0:09:46
DQ  Karen Diaz

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