Jericho Mile-1979. Strauss starred-Mann directed-pre Heat, Thief,
Manhunter(the first Hannibal Lector movie) and of course Miami Vice. Great
movie. The strains of Sympathy to the Devil can easily get you out the
door. Book-Once A Runner-the 400 repeats work-out is a classic. The
Olympian is better written but not as good if you are a runner.

FJ LEE wrote:

> > Thanks for all the help I got in remembering the name of the
> > novel/movie "The Games." I noticed that most responders agreed that
> > it was pretty bad, both in written and film form, which got me
> > curious -- can anyone think of any truly good track & field movies or
> > books?
> wasn't there a movie about a convict who runs a sub 4-minute mile time-
> trial in jail, and then throws his spikes over the fence (i.e. the
> freedom side) as the final scene?  I think it was the late 70's-early
> 80's?
> How can we forget "Golden Girl" with Susan Anton... the first person to
> triple in the sprints.. 100-200-400?  Marion, are you out there?
> JL

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