Props to Tim! He one fast dude!
Is that better?

I just did an informal survey of several people around my office:
Question-"Did you know that the 100 meter record was recently broken?"-most
answered "yes"
Question-"Were you aware that there is an internet chat group that has been
dissecting the record and what, if any, impact will this discussion or, for that
matter, any discussion and/or quotes about the credibility of the record have on
your impression of track in general?"-most answered "wtf?"
As far as everybody debating Jonas, good luck. He does this for a living. A
sample of his web page:

Kurt Bray wrote:

> >How, specifically, does the latest discussion kill our sport?
> I don't think it exactly kills the sport, but it certainly detracts from it.
>   It detracts from the sport to have pretty much every World Record followed
> by a "but,...." or a "however,...." as in say "Tim Montgomery set a new
> world record of 9.78 seconds however, thanks to the presence of favorable
> tailwind and a suspiciously fast reaction time, track experts rate this
> performance as actually no better than the 15th best."
> The opinion of insiders is often consulted for articles in the general press
> and for TV, and we often do see them add some of our own same "buts" and
> "howevers" to their pieces.
> No one has any figures on lost attendance due to this, but it's reasonable
> to conclude that it does the sport no good to constantly downgrade the
> magnitude of its own magnificent achievements.
> Kurt Bray
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