Martin Dixon wrote:

>I believe the cadence for a reasonably fit runner is about 100 left foot strikes per minute and this changes
>very little no matter what the speed. So a runner going at a 7:00 pace(if my math is right) would have a
>stride length of 3 feet 9 inches.


For me (a true slow-twitch creature) I've never been able to hold 200 strides/minute for more than a short sprint, even when in top condition.  For example - yesterday I was doing some easy 400s (80, 81 - hey, it was 94 here in Austin...) and I was counting strides - consistently 244-246.  That works out to 1.63 meters per stride, and 181 strides per minute.  When I'm consciously striding out doing form drills, I can hit about 1.8 meters per stride without hyperextending.

OTOH, used to train with a buddy who would consistently hit about 210 strides/minute even on distance runs.  

You notice the same in cycling cadences -fwiw.  There are guys who spin, and guys who grind, and efficiency curves are very individualized.



>> Actually, for people in the normal range of height, stride length while running is not related to height.

This I know to be true.  I suspect that Ed Parrot will have a lot more to add on this.



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