
        Those interested in the Title IX controvesy should definitely read
the front page story in today;s NY Times. It concentrates on the problem of
the student who, without a scholarship, wants to try out for a college team
in any sport.

        The villain of the piece, in my opinion, is too close to home for
comfort: one Marilyn McNeill, athletic dirextor at Monmouth University in
West Long Branch. who seems to believe that the practice at many colleges
and universities of turning back male applicants is perfectly OK.

        I would suggest that she take a trip a few miles west to Princeton
Univeresity, which simply ignores the totally unconstituional interpretation
of Title IX which has resulted in this fascistic situation. Princeton is
among, I guess, a handful of schools which accepts walk ons without bean
counting and turns some of them into stars. (In a sense, everyone is a
walk-on there, since the school does not give athletic scholarhsips).

        People like Miss McNeill have no business in any academic instituoon
in a democratic society. She would have been very comfortable working in
Nazi Germany or behind the Iron Curtain.

                            Ed Grant

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