Jim Spivey continues to have problems posting to the list.  (Perhaps the current 
supervisor could get in touch with him to see what might be the problem.  Although
Jim is not a prolific poster, when he does have something to say, it's worth
reading.  There aren't many list members who have achieved what he has on the track.)

At any rate, I'm glad to serve as his intermediary with the list.  

Bob H

-------------Forwarded Message-----------------


This has happened before - '93 Worlds when a fellow Moroccan rabbited for the World 
Record holder Morceli to make sure their was not a repeat of the 1992 
Olympic Games, when Morceli finished a dismal 7th. I believe he was banned from 
competition by the his federation or the IAAF for the next year.  

The question was raised about Seneca being selected, yet not in the best of shape.  
Sydnee Maree, third in the Olympic Trials, would brings strong 
memories for Chuck Aragon in 1984.  Sydnee knew well in advance that he would not be 
competing, but the coaches selected many 100 and 400 runners as 
alternates instead of Chuck.  Rightfully so, as the relay in the Los Angeles expected 
heat could lead to injuries, but when Sydnee did tell the coaching 
staff that he could not compete, it was too late for Chuck to be added. Did Sydnee 
tell the coaching staff in time? Or wait until it was too late.  You 
could only list a certain number of alternates, not one per event.  

One item that should be considered, with nothing to do if he was a rabbit or not, is 
the question on fitness.  Was he fit?  Or, did previous races prove 
that he was not.  I must point out, that regardless of your answer to this question, 
shoe companies write into their contracts, if you make an Oly, 
World champ, World Cup team, etc., your contract will be renewed for the upcoming 
year.  At times, you may run so that you can have another 
opportunity to race with financial assistance next year.  

I believe the individual that rabbited for Morceli was paid to do this in the Worlds 
at Stuttgart.  That would be a negative issue to be considered in 
any major championships for a federation.

The fitness issue may not fall far from the wearer, as in 1985, I choose not to 
compete in Australia as the World Cup was so late in the season (either 
late Sept or early October).  A decision that my wife has not let me forget, as we 
have never been "down under" to this day.  The 2nd place finisher, 
Steve Scott, also choose not to compete.  Moving through the USATF/TAC finishers from 
Indianapolis, Craig Masback was chosen to run.  When I asked 
Adam Dixon, a 5th or 6th place finisher ahead of Craig why he did not run in the Cup 
during the next indoor season, he said he was never asked.  World Cup 
'85 was a slow race, and I believe Craig was 6th or 7th in the high 3:48-9 range. 

Jim Spivey

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