GH has a point on KK about looking at only performances in the "track" 
accepted distance of the marathon.  Hell, how can you not give 
consideration to two sub 2:06's in year (man, what most every other mortal 
wouldn't give for two sub-2:06's in a career).

It's too bad that El G's rabbited races are give so little merit.  The guy 
still had to come out and perform week after week.  And, it seems as though 
his level of excellence has become expected and unless he hits a WR his 
races are considered to me ho-hum, just another sub-3:30.

Sanchez also had to come out and perform every week and won them all.  It's 
a tough call on this front.  I'm not even sure in my mind who I would vote for.

To me however, the women's choice is clear and simple.  Paula, Paula, 
Paula.  The range of excellence she showed on raod, track and trail (okay 
garry so we won't count an international championship at XC) was 
spectacular.  3K to marathon, she had perhaps the most dominating 
performances of the year.  A world record, international championships at 
Commonwealth and Euro's, fast track times, etc., etc.  To me, she clearly 
stands bobble head, shoulder, and knee socks above the rest.

Tony Banovich
Billings, Montana

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