Gerald Woodward wrote:

>You shouldn't be so narrow minded when it comes to religion.  There are
>people on this list of many faiths, and whose religious beliefs are just
>strong as yours or stronger.  Not everyone is a Christian, nor do they
>intend to become a Christian.  It is not up to you to place judgment upon
>them.  Only God can do that.

>It might have been better to just say, 'Want to read a book that can truly
>change your life?  Try reading a religious book, whatever your faith or

Of course, from discussions I run into on the Web these days, it keeps
seeming that "The Fountainhead" gets cited as often as any religious texts
as a "worldview changer".  Although it often seems to me it's more of a
"worldview justifier".

Me - it was "Run To The Top", in combination with "A Clean Pair of Heels".
Although in the late 70's, being a disciple of Lydiard felt a bit like a
religion, as well.  And then, of course, came the Henderson heretical
writings ... ;-)


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