A guy I am coaching is signed up for Washington and was going to go with
a friend who is also running and they were both taking their wives and
families. Everybody has canceled out except for the guy I am coaching.
The funny thing is, the marathon and last week's 10 miler down there
will be and were probably the safest places to be given the heavy armed
forces presence in the races. Below is a post to letsrun on the matter.


"I ran the Army 10 Miler last weekend with my husband who is an LTC
serving at the Pentagon. I am six months pregnant.

I have never seen so much fire power in my life.

They are serious about keeping you safe. Everyone had to go through
metal detectors to get to the starting area.

This is not fat Bubba the sheriff leaning on his squad car at an
intersection. These are MPs and DOD police, carrying M16s and close
quarter assault weapons. And that's the security I saw on the course.

The thing to remember about these races affiliated with the military are
not just run by the masses. General officers run these races too and the
military is very concerned about keeping them safe with everything going
on in the world. My husband's department had a team competing, both the
2 star and the 3 star general ran on the team.

It is the safest place for you to be this weekend in DC."

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