> A member of our club knew this woman.  She had given birth 10 months ago
> and was still breast feeding.  She had undertaken a 30 week training
> program (starting 10 weeks after giving birth).  It appears that she
> suffered from severe sodium imbalance possibly created by the stresses of
> nursing. (my wife knows another woman with the same problem).  I think the
> message from this incident is that women should avoid training for such an
> arduous endeavor so soon after giving birth, especially if they are still
> nursing, which is particularly physically stressful.

While this may be true as a general statement, I've known at least three
women who have run quite well within a year of giving birth while breast
feeding. I don't think it the best idea, but I don't think it is totally
irresponsible either. It depends a great deal on the individual and their
knowledge of their body and their training experience.

Benji Durden

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