Popular question after yesterday is, are the Torreses the best bro combo in
NCAA cross history?

This isn't solid T&FN-proofed research, but in a few minutes of poring
through the files my answer is that they're easily the best 1-year brothers,
beating themselves from last year. These are the combos I turned up in my
quick search, with their scores and places.

11...Torres '02 (1/10)
17...Torres '01 (2/15)
18...Leddy '72 (3/15)
19...Hauser '98 (6/13)
20...Hauser '96 (6/14)
21...Kennedy '57 (5/16)
27...Hauser '97 (10/17)
30...Ashenfelter '50 (8/22)
.....Torres '00 (3/27)
45...Keino '94 (1/44)

They're not the best lifetime bros, however. Not even No. 2:

4....Kennedys (Michigan State): Forddy 1 ('58), Kennedy 3 ('56)
6....Ashenfelters (Penn St): Horace 2 ('47), Bill 4 ('51)
11...Torreses (Colorado) '02
15...Ashenfelters: Horace 2 ('47), Don 13 ('49)
17...Ashenfelters: Bill 4 ('51), Don 13 ('49)
18...Leddys (East Tennessee) '72
19...Hausers (Stanford) '98

By extrapolation (and default!), the Ashenfelters win the lifetime 3-bro
award at 19. No, they never ran the Nationals all at once.

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