Curious about what? You don't think Nike has seen or participated in worse?

Heads back in the sand!


>Here's what I'm curious about-
>both of these athletes have big-time athletic apparel
>sponsorships, right?  Marion with Nike.
>Their continued 'marketability' depends a great
>deal on their public reputation remaining fairly
>unsullied, right?  They might even have clauses
>in that regard written right into their contracts.
>So why isn't the Nike CEO calling Marion and telling
>her to KNOCK IT OFF, or she risks getting dropped?
>It wouldn't be the first time that an athlete has
>lost a lucrative sponsorship deal because of their
>I would think that Nike would send her a plane ticket
>to get the h*** out of York immediately.
>On the other hand, maybe those telephone calls ARE
>going on right now- it wouldn't stand to reason
>that the public would be aware of it.
>I am also surprised that things haven't moved the
>OTHER direction, with Francis heading "south of the
>border" (into the US) or even overseas somewhere, to
>pursue coaching opportunities, given the Canadian
>ban on his coaching Canadian athletes.  Just like the
>East German and Soviet coaches popped up in other
>countries after the end of the cold war.  Anybody know
>why that hasn't happened in his case when it was allowed
>to happen in the eastern bloc cases?
>If he's a 'persona non grata' in Canada and can't make
>a living there in his chosen profession (with the
>apparently rare exception of foreign athletes 'coming
>to him'), why would he want to stay there?
>Just wondering...

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