I'm currently working on progressive all-time lists for various events and have come 
upon something weird.
Does anyone remember an American long jumper Ron Coleman from the early 70's?  He 
appears in the ATFS 1972 all-time list as the #5 performer of all-time, having jumped 
8.25m (I'm sure it was actually measured at 27'0 3/4") at Irvine on June 16 1971.  
This performance is listed also in the 1975 ATFS annual, but not in the 1976 ATFS 
annual and not in any subsequent ATFS or FAST publications that I have.

I was two in 1971 so my memory of the performance is a little shaky. But I know there 
are people on this list who were actually keeping stats at the time, and a 27-footer 
would not have passed unnoticed - why would Ron Coleman appear in the stats books 
immediately after his jump and then disappear four years later?

Apologies to anyone offended by the subject line "OLD long jump stat question" in 
reference to something from the 70's.


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