The Electronic Telegraph
Monday 20 January 2003
Martin Johnson

Compared to the size of the nuggets they once used to mine here, the
Ballarat goldfields now yield barely enough to keep the local dentists in
fillings, but this old prospecting town 70 miles north-west of her adopted
city of Melbourne nonetheless seemed an appropriate venue for Cathy
Freeman's return to competitive running.

With someone, somewhere, about to take a match to Athens' Olympic torch, the
women's 400-metre gold medallist at Sydney got back to the track on Saturday
for the first time since helping Australia to a relay gold medal at the
Commonwealth Games in Manchester in August, and for the first time in her
own country for 10 months.

The combination of an upper-leg injury and her decision to stay at home to
nurse her husband through a successful rehabilitation from throat cancer has
left Freeman a long way short of race fitness, but while the quality of the
opposition here was a couple of notches down from Birchfield Harriers, she
was less concerned with blowing away the opposition as a few cobwebs.

Ballarat (pop 83,000) does not often supply more than a modest sprinkling of
mums and dads for local club meetings, but there were an estimated 3,000
people here to watch Freeman contest the 200m individual and the 4 x 400m
relay. Turning out for the Ringwood club, Freeman won the first by a
distance in a leisurely 24.7sec, and running the third leg of the relay,
turned a 15-metre deficit into a 40-metre lead at the final changeover.

While typically Australian in providing - even in outback country - a
state-of-the-art all-weather synthetic track, the venue itself was more
reminiscent of a school sports day, and you half expected the afternoon to
be launched with an egg-and-spoon race. First up was, in fact, a men's 400m
hurdles, which had to be aborted with the runners almost on their blocks
when someone realised the obstacles had been set to the girls' height.

There was the usual quota of lost-children announcements, along with several
more of the typical small-club meeting variety, such as: "Can we please have
a volunteer to rake the long-jump pit."

Freeman's presence made it a bit like one of those up-country, one-day
cricket matches England used to play on Ashes tours, when David Gower and
Ian Botham would walk out to bat from behind a hot-dog stand, and the MC
would make excitedly parochial announcements like: "And opening the bowling
from the Piggery End is Stormy Gale, hoping to put the wind up the Poms!"

This was Alf Tupper land, where the Tough of the Track would join his race
half a lap late after being up all night welding for his mean-spirited
employer, and, pausing only to finish off his fish and chips, would hurtle
over the winning line past some snooty upper-class twit with a monocle. As
with this meeting, there was no photo finish, or electronic timing - just
some bloke in a long white coat shouting: "Tupper wins!"

Freeman was the object of only modest attention as she warmed up, from a
couple of local television stations and the representative of the Ballarat
Courier. She changed in a converted equipment shed, and at the end of her
races, like every other competitor, she had to collect a ticket confirming
her time and position from a man sitting in a high chair, and report to a
small brick outbuilding to hand it in to the official race recorders.

It was a pretty hot day, with spectators having a few problems keeping the
flies off their hot pies, and only a modicum of shade away from the small
main pavilion. There was a single Aboriginal family in attendance, sitting
under a bush, but Freeman's heroine status in this country has cut through
more colour barriers in a few years than anyone else has in the rest of
Australia's 200-year-old colonisation. And, as ever, she was more exhausted
by the autograph signing sessions than her exertions on the track.

Freeman is still a couple of kilos above her racing weight of 53kg (8st
5lb), but plans to shed that by the time she begins running in a series of
eight national meetings starting in Brisbane in April, before moving to
America and Europe ahead of the World Championships in Paris in August. All
being well, she will go on beyond Athens 2004, and bring down the curtain on
her career at the Commonwealth Games in Melbourne in 2006.

Freeman said afterwards that she was pretty happy with her running, even
though a strong headwind had prevented her from going below 24sec in the
200m. "I feel fantastic, really strong. It's just a great feeling to be
healthy, and to be out running against other athletes again."

Otherwise, like most Freeman press conferences, it was mainly an exercise in
cheerful giggling, and whatever-pops-into-her-head answers that only
occasionally strayed into the same area as the original question. If she
does, as has been suggested, eventually go into politics, Australia's
equivalent of Jeremy Paxman will end up a gibbering wreck. She is too shy,
and far too open and honest, to be a politician, and her advisers wisely
steered her away from questions about the Australian cricketer Darren
Lehmann, recently suspended for making racist remarks.

Neither were the unsentimental Australian media especially excited about the
equivalent of a Derby thoroughbred appearing in the 4.15 at Uttoxeter, and
Freeman's return rated a single paragraph in the 'In Brief' section of the
Melbourne Age. As far as Freeman was concerned, however, it didn't matter
how far down the ladder this was, she just wanted to feel her feet on a

Eamonn Condon

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