Gerry wrote:

>OK, Caped Crusader, here's your chance to make a difference.

>Instead of wasting your words on the choir here, create some new gospel
>where you apparently think it's truly needed.

>Pen a screed of some 500 words of what you think T&FN should have been
>saying all these years and--so long as it doesn't run the risk of
>us in a lawsuit--we'll print it in toto.


Hmm - now what NAME will T&FN run as a byline?  "Malmo", or his
mild-mannered alter-ego?

This could be a fun addition the mag though - the "monthly rant".  One
month on drugs ... the next month on how racewalkers are all cheaters ...
the next month on Jon Entine ... the next month on the ineptness of USATF's
media policy...

After all - what's a Bible, without some wild-eyed prophets screaming from
the wilderness?


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