Well put. I vividly remember those couple of times when I "walked on air" and have forgotten the countless times I walked in the mud.
On May 7, 2004, at 3:03 PM, malmo wrote:

Randy, the problem with your desires to have the runners acquiece to your vicarious desires is that those head-to-head match races are exactly what runners LOVE!!!!

Have you ever been in a pack with 150 to go, everyone digging hard, and you reach for that extra gear and find it, and blow by the field like you are walking on air? I have. Believe me, once you've felt THAT thrill, you want to experience it again and again! Every 1500 meter runner has had that thrill, and no matter how badly you want time trials, they will not comply.

Accept it, and learn to enjoy the terror that is racing.


From: Randy Treadway <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

What I hate most is some of the best athletes in the world going head to head at pedestrian race and then seeing who has the most blazing speed in the last 10% of the race. I HATE THAT!!! It reminds of those velodrome bicyclers that see how slow they can go without the bike falling over, so they can just watch other- like playing 'chicken' or 'russian roulette'.

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