And by the way, Mr Kingdom, I hope you do well!


-----Original Message-----
From: malmo [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, July 06, 2004 2:01 AM
Subject: RE: t-and-f: Kingdom making plans for Sacramento

 Kingdom expressed disappointment at some reaction he said he has received
within the track community regarding his decision to sit out a qualifying
meet because of $30.

He passed on participating in a June 26 meet in Ponoma, N.J. -- and a chance
at gaining the 13:55 mark he would need to automatically qualify for the
trials -- when event organizers refused to waive the $30 entry fee. Kingdom
felt his status in the sport should have prompted an exception, but
organizers explained that other Olympians paid the fee.

"You would not ask Michael Jordan to pay $65 to watch the Chicago Bulls play
basketball," Kingdom said. "Why do the gold medalists of this sport get
dragged through the mud by some people just because we ask someone to waive
the appearance fee."

Kingdom said he has heard and read criticism of his decision, most of it on
the Internet. He said that what stung the most came from those accusing him
of seeking ways to avoid competing at the trials.

"Anybody who insults me, insults my character, that upsets me," he said. "I
don't have to explain to anybody how much I want to compete after what I've

Why does this gold medalists feel that he's owed something? You're not.
You're cheap Mr Kingdom. Pay the damn money and shut the fuck up!


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