>"Between 1980 and 1994, the prevalence of asthma in the U.S. increased 75% 
>overall and 74% among children 5-14 years of age."

Probably a more accurate statement would be that the diagnosis of
asthma by doctors increased 75%.
That doesn't necessarily mean that there was a sudden epidemic, or
even that there was any increase in the symptoms.  Just a different
diagnosis, and a very lucrative one for the medical industry in that
there is no permanent 'cure'.

Just like the dramatic increase in prescriptions of ritulin obviously
means that there is an epidimic of ADD among American kids and
they need to be doped so that behaviour we used to consider normal
is now banished and kids no longer act like kids but like adults.
But that's another rant...

Asthma, Schmazzma- too many doctors are lazy, often greedy and
too quick to prescibe quick-fix drug solutions in lieu of old-fashioned
detective work and patience.


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