By Diane Carman
Denver Post Columnist

Alamosa The trail weaves around the golf course, connects with the dirt path along the 
Rio Grande and cuts past the tidy brick buildings that compose the Adams State College 
campus here.

In the evenings after the midday heat has eased, a petite, slender woman with a long, 
dark ponytail sprints the distance, sometimes in tight 3-minute surges of interval 
training, other times with her body relaxed and loose.

She does it every day, piling up 90 to 100 miles a week, juggling the workouts with 
college classes, her janitor job and caring for her sisters and her nephew.

Zoila Gomez is among the elite of elite college athletes, but she has none of the 
swagger of full-ride entitlement.

She goes to class. She does her homework. She mops the floors of the administration 
building and still has a 3.46 GPA.

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