I've just finished watching the evening news hour on PBS ("Even in Canada,
you say: pity.") It featured a long segment on the current drug allegations
against some USA track and field athletes.

My prejudice against this sort of "guilty until proven innocent" media
circus is so strong that I shouldn't attempt to argue the accuracy or
inaccuracy of specific information in the PBS presentation--

What I CAN complain about is the absolute hypocracy of the "Jim Lehrer
Newshour" devoting any time whatever to unsubstantiated charges against
track and field athletes, when this "public service" channel has never,
never, never ever devoted any program time to the *accomplishments* of
track and field athletes. If, as would appear to be the case, Lehrer
doesn't have enough interest to at least maintain this sort of editorial
perspective over the program that is under his nominal supervision, perhaps
he should admit to himself that he is over the hill and under the mound.

We could do with less BS from PBS.

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