Obviously the forums in many sites have substituted the list. Just two
summers ago we had about 40-50 messages per day here

----- Original Message ----- 
From: "Roger Ruth" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Sunday, September 19, 2004 11:24 PM
Subject: Re: t-and-f: Question about list

> I'm a little late in responding to Trey's question and Randy's answer.
> Trey asked,
> >Is the list still active?  There hasn't been any traffic for over a week.
> >Some please respond.
> Andy replied,
> >Most of the traffic is now on the web-based boards like T&FN,
> >LetsRun, etc.
> >Been quiet here since the Olympics, but basically the membership
> >here is a tiny fraction of what it was 2 or 3 years ago.
> Unfortunately, that's true. I really don't understand why, unless it's
> the convenience of being able to follow a given thread more easily. My
> experience is that the convenience doesn't extend to being able to post
> data in tabular form--that is, when I carefully align columns within the
> table, posting it on T&FN or polevaultpower destroys that formatting.
> Another good thing darkwing had going for it a few years ago was that the
> 2500 or so subscribers represented a more international membership than it
> seems to me I see posting on the web-based forums. I did know of a few
> people who tried to subscribe to darkwing and couldn't work their way
> through the subscription protocol, but that wouldn't explain the departure
> of persons who already were subscribed.
> Are there reasons for people leaving darkwing that haven't been mentioned?
> Cheers?

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