After my recent post on the women's heptathlon, I received an off-list
reply that commented on the dramatic decline in messages he had received
from t-and-f and wondered if that was experienced by other members.

I wrote back that it certainly was part of my experience, with the traffic
having declined from something on the order of a dozen messages a day to a
usual one or two. I also wrote that I wasn't sure whether the decline was
due to a dramatic decline in list membership, or just reduced
participation. I told him I'd try to learn something about past and present
membership numbers.

This is some of what I learned:

An April 20, 2000, message on the topic carried the information that at
that time, list membership varied seasonally from 900-1000 to about 1500.

A request today to darkwing.uoregon produced a current membership list of
667, making current membership in this off-season about two-thirds of what
it was in 2000.

When I scanned about 500 t-and-f messages I'd considered useful to file, it
quickly became apparent that an important part of the reason for decline in
traffic is loss of, or greatly reduced participation of some members who
had been frequent contributors in earlier years.

At the very considerable hazard of embarrassment by missing some important
ones, let me mention a few that seemed obvious to me--

Paul Houde: Quebec journalist who provided lots of posts on European
results; especially those in France.

Cordner Nelson and Jim Dunaway: formerly with Track and Field News.

Garry Hill: Editor of Track and Field News, who was able to bring enormous
research resources to bear on any question that generated a significant

Coty Pinckney: One of the list originators, I think, who was especially
helpful with statistical analyses.

Dave Carey: Athletics writer and statistician.

Ken Nakamura: Frequent contributor of data on distance events.

Ed Gordon: Sportswriter on assignments in Europe.

Eamonn Condon: Faithful translator, from English to American English, of
articles from London newspapers, especially the Daily Telegraph.

Also, and I'm sure to miss some and apologize in advance, frequent
contributors Jeff Hollobaugh, Mike Moran, Ed Grant, Tomas Magnusson, Wilmar
Kortleever, Winfried Kramer, Phil Wyckoff, FranciCash, Graham Thomas, Ed
Koch, Tony Craddock, and Conway Hill.

Even though these names don't include many who participated well then and
still do, I think there was a time when the 20-odd I've listed contributed
half the messages that flowed on this list. Losing their participation
accounts for a good part of the reduced traffic.

As I look at the examples of Houde, Gordon and Condon, it also is apparent
that another reason for the decline in posting of results is today's far
greater ease  of access to websites that provide the information they
formerly translated and forwarded. Personally, I wish there still was more
posting of results. Maybe that's just a combination of laziness and dial-in
internet access, but I much appreciated the ease of availability of results
on the t-and-f list.

Finally, there's the factor of renewed competition for our audience;
especially that of the Track and Field News forums. I don't know large a
bite this has taken. It couldn't substitute as a venue for the results and
statistical summaries I've especially appreciated on t-and-f, because the
formatting of columnar material is hopelessly scrambled on the T&FN
display; but it works as well as t-and-f for discussion items and the
threads are easier to follow.

In summary, we've lost more participation than we have members, but we've
lost some important contributors. There's room for more to emerge: go for


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