
By Simon Hart 
(Filed: 20/02/2005)

In pictures: A vision of London for 2012;$sessionid$H23FAALBXIS3HQFIPAFSM5A?xml=/sport/gallery/olympics/2012/upix2012.xml&site=Sport
In pics: Capital welcomes IOC;$sessionid$H23FAALBXIS3HQFIPAFSM5A?xml=/sport/gallery/olympics/2012a/upix2012.xml&site=Sport

London's bid to stage the 2012 Olympics received a significant boost
last night when Nawal El Moutawakel, chairwoman of the visiting
International Olympic Committee evaluation commission, went out of her
way to praise the passion and enthusiasm of London officials during
the inspection team's four-day stay in the capital.

"We could feel it, hear it and see it," said the Moroccan former
Olympic hurdles champion. "They all spoke with passion. It was in
every speech and every word."

While the commission members were careful not to be drawn on the
technical merits of the bid before their visits to the three remaining
candidate cities - New York, Paris and Moscow - she was surprisingly
forthright in her support for the professionalism of the London

"The commission has been very impressed by the level of involvement by
a number of distinguished athletes in London, people like Tanni
[Grey-Thompson], Daley Thompson and Bobby Charlton," she said. "The
list is long and all these athletes have been consulted and are very
heavily involved in the planning of the Olympic and Paralympic Games.

"We have had a very productive visit and would like to thank the bid
committee for their hard work and their passion in organising our

"The bid committee must also be congratulated on the quality of the
candidature, the quality of the presentations and the professionalism
with which the whole project has been handled and the leadership of a
great Olympian and good friend, Sebastian Coe."

Traditionally, visiting evaluation commissions rarely depart from
their non-committal script, but it was significant that El Moutawakel
also singled out the backing from the Queen, whose commitment to the
cause had been questioned after she reportedly told a member of the
public that she expected Paris to win the 2012 vote.

"We have been very, very pleased to meet with the Queen, who expressed
her full support for the bid," she said. Her remarks will be welcomed
by the London team, who have been genuinely upbeat about the feedback
they have received over the past few days. Although the commission's
true thoughts will not be revealed until they publish their report a
month before the all-important IOC vote on July 6, they are relieved
to have avoided any serious mishaps during their 36 presentations on
17 key themes and 18 venue visits.

Even Ken Livingstone's headline-grabbing refusal to apologise for
causing offence to a Jewish reporter failed to sour the mood and El
Moutawakel confirmed yesterday that it would have no impact on the
technical report.

Although a positive report may not be enough to secure the Games when
the IOC members vote, a poor one can certainly be terminal. "This week
we could have lost it, or we could still be there for the final run,"
said Richard Caborn, the Minister for Sport. "We have definitely not
lost it. We are definitely there for that final push. I have got to
say that the people who have been involved in the preparation for this
and who have done all the technical back-up could not have done
anything better. "Talking to the IOC members, they are very, very
impressed indeed by what they have seen and by the degree of detail.
The detail we have given out has been second to none. We are very
proud of all the people who have represented the bid. They could have
done no more." London bid chairman Lord Coe, described twice as a
"friend" by El Moutawakel - they both won gold medals at the Los
Angeles Games in 1984 and both serve on the council of the
International Association of Athletics Federations - was also happy
with his team's performance.

He said: "It is entirely a matter for the evaluation commission to
decide what observations they want to make but, from our point of
view, I think we have done everything that was humanly possible to
show to very best effect this city, its people, the concept, the
legacy and its deliverability."

While much of the effort has been directed towards supplying the
commission with highly detailed technical data and answering searching
questions, it is clear that the less tangible passion to which El
Moutawakel referred has become one of the driving forces behind the

Time and time again, London campaigners have pointed to the one thing
they believe gives the capital an advantage over the other four
candidate cities - the sheer enthusiasm of the British public for

Dame Kelly Holmes set the ball rolling on Wednesday, reminding
delegates about the size of the British support in Athens that helped
carry her to her two gold medals.

"There were 20,000 spectators who travelled to Athens, and that was
probably limited to that number only by the number of tickets
available," she said. "We had the most fans of any visiting country,
second only to the Greeks.

"It was an amazing response from our British public and I know that,
if we held the Olympic Games, every stadium would be sold out, no
matter what the sport, with great, passionate support."

Cherie Blair, who led Friday's presentation on legal issues, also took
up the baton, claiming that "what we can bring, more than anything
else, is a real passion". For an organisation that still has fond
memories of the exuberance of the crowds in Sydney five years ago the
prospect of packed and noisy Olympic venues in London could well prove
avote-winner when the IOC cast their votes.


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