There may be list members so young they wouldn't remember the USA/USSR meets that dominated track and field interest in the late 50s and early 60s. There may be other list members as old as I am who remember the interest but have forgotten all the details.

Does anyone know of an archive (or book) that gives detailed results and team scores of these events? If not, does anyone have complete information for any one meet; i.e., number of athletes from each country in each event, order of events, and scoring? All I was able to find from a usually-reliable Google search was that the third, Moscow, meeting of 1961 had two athletes per event, scored 5-3-2-1 and the AAU team consisted of 31 men and 17 women. I can't see how you'd cover all of the standard track and field events with a team of that size. Also, from a bio of Payton Jordan, the information that the 1962 meet, held at Stanford, attracted an attendance of 150,000 over two days. I know I attended that one, but my only aged memory of a specific event was that the person singing the Star Spangled Banner forgot the words.

I'd appreciate any further information anyone can provide: I'd think there'd be enough interest to warrant posting it to the list.


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