I thought WCSN coverage was great. And, nice reporting, Walt.

I had a problem the first two days because WCSN did not work with Explorer on 
my Mac (OS 10.something ..., G3 processor at 400 MHz. I have problems watching 
videos off the Comcast web page.)  But, it worked fine with Mac's Safari. My 
ISP is Comcast.

(Re: Cable - It is like driving to Downtown Chicago. If I do it at 3 a.m., I'm 
there in under 30 minutes because few other cars. At rush hour, 1-2 hours 
because the expressways are packed with other cars. Cable internet also shares 
the same line with cable TV)

There were short freezes in the video and blips in the sound every few seconds, 
but this stopped after several minutes. Seemed like it had to warm up.

No right click on my Mac mouse and I never found a way to enlarge the screen. I 
just sat closer and used my new bifocals.

With the archive, I had to watch it all the way through. Anytime I would fast 
forward or pause, I lost the pix and sound and had to start over.

Dan,  hang in there. I'm sure Malmo had problems with radio when it first came 

Best regards,

Mike Prizy

> Dan,
>    I'm sorry you had probelms with the webcast, but you are in the 
> distinct minority. Just check out the T&F News messageboard to see how 
> people went overboard in their praise of the wcsn coverage during the 
> World Championships. Sure, a few people had technical problems early 
> on, but once they were resolved, everything went fine.
>    If you're willing to give it another chance, I'll personally see to 
> it that you get the help you need (I'm doing the previews and recaps 
> for the site).  To be honest, it's your loss if you give up on this 
> now. You can contact me directly or reply on this list.
> Walt Murphy
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Dan Kaplan <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
> To: track list <t-and-f@darkwing.uoregon.edu>
> Sent: Fri, 19 Aug 2005 17:37:20 -0700 (PDT)
> Subject: t-and-f: WCSN coverage of Golden League
>     I ordered the WCSN package for the remaining Golden League meets, 
> having
> skipped the World Championships coverage because:
> a) I've been very unimpressed with webcasts in the past
> b) my cable connection has been annoyingly slow the past 2-3 weeks
> c) the PAX coverage was surprisingly good through most of the week
> Comcast seemed to be picking back up the past few days and I was able to
> access the WCSN site reasonably quickly, so I figured I'd give it a 
> shot.
> Well, after ordering, I couldn't for the life of me figure out how to 
> log
> in and start watching.  The only thing close is the "log in / register"
> option, but all that did was take me to another payment page.  Huh?  I
> finally swallowed my pride and called support with what I figured had to
> be the stupidest question ever, and it turned out they had to do 
> something
> at their end to get the system to recognize my computer.  Hmph.  Very 
> user
> friendly.
> Thinking things will now flow smoothly, I loaded up the player and 
> started
> watching the feed, at which point I couldn't possibly have been more
> disappointed.  It was completely unwatchable!  First up was the women's
> 800, and all I could see of the first 200m was them glitching on the
> starting line, then frozen at about 50m, all the while the audio was 
> still
> rolling.  The men's javelin a bit later was better, but still froze
> frequently.
> To make matters worse, there doesn't appear to be any way to jump around
> in the coverage until they archive it, presumably after the meet is 
> over.
> But by then I would've already seen the results (gotta process them for
> Fantasy League scoring) and would resent paying to watch a meet I 
> already
> know the outcome of.
> Also, someone mentioned during the Worlds coverage that you could 
> maximize
> the window for more TV-like viewing, but I had no such option with 
> today's
> feed.  It was fixed at that lovely 3"x3" size that a graphing calculator
> puts to shame.
> So, I called back in a huff and cancelled the service, and I won't be
> trying anything of the sort again any time soon.  The service rep (who 
> of
> course spoke marginal English) offered to troubleshoot the situation, 
> but
> I was far beyond fed up at that point.  I don't care if the package 
> costs
> $1 or $100, I won't support anything that unfit for public consumption.
> To those of you who have fared better, congratulations and I hope you
> enjoy the coverage.  I'll be bad mouthing WCSN every chance I get.
> Dan
> http://AbleDesign.com - Web Design & Custom Programming
> http://Run-Down.com - 10,000 Running Links, Fantasy T&F
> ------------------------------------------------------------
>   @    o      Dan Kaplan - [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> _/ \ \/\      (503)370-9969 phone/fax
>    /   /
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