** This is the quasi-official and semi-temporary T13 email list server. **

I will say this one more time... 

I made many comments, mostly in private emails to the editors of
SFF-8020. Comments about errors and incorrect statements in revision
1.x documents and in revision 2.x documents. Other than the
SRST/DASP- problem, none of the errors or incorrect statements were
ever fixed. It fell to T13, while developing ATA/ATAPI-4, to attempt
solutions to some of these problems. And many of those problems
continue today and remain unresolved in ATA/ATAPI-6.

I never thought ATAPI was a bad idea. All I ever wanted was for ATAPI
to be correctly described. Without a correct description it would
never be possible for an ATAPI device to operate on an ATA interface
cable with another device. And indeed that is exactly what we still
see with many ATAPI devices being sold today.

I don't care what the "official" record shows. I know the problems I
complained about and I know when I complained about them. It was long
before SFF forwarded SFF-8020 to X3T10. Most of my emails were sent
from Seagate since I was a Seagate employee at the time. 

So do not say I do not like ATAPI or that I do not like SFF or
whatever. Such statements would not be correct. All I want is a
correct description of ATAPI that is widely implemented so that all
these problems we continue to see with ATAPI devices go away. Part of
my effort is to make sure device implementors burn every copy of
SFF-8020 they can find. It does not matter what happened back in
1994. What matters today is ATAPI devices that are implemented
according to the ATA/ATAPI-x standards so that these devices with
work with one another and with ATA devices on the same cable. Nothing
else matters.

***  Hale Landis  *** [EMAIL PROTECTED] ***
*** Niwot, CO USA ***   www.ata-atapi.com   ***

  If you have any questions or wish to unsubscribe send a 
  message to Hale Landis, [EMAIL PROTECTED] To post to
  this list server send your message to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
  For questions concerning Thistle Grove Industries or TGI's
  list services please send email to [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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