On Tue, 19 Jan 2010, Ulf Lamping wrote:
> d) I don't think it's a good idea to change a tag description two years 
> after it was documented, because the wording is "slightly" wrong for 
> some parts of the english speaking world. Because doing so is an 
> annoyance for anyone involved and the wording will always be slightly 
> wrong for someone. Not to mention that a lot of people won't 
> notice/ignore any changes here, as these definitions are "old enough" in 
> OSM terms. My approach: Stick to the wiki definitions even if you don't 
> like it and go on mapping :-)

We need to be able to say "a mistake has been made, these tags need revision" 
and do something about mistakes.
If we don't have a process for dealing with errors in tag choice and 
translation we will have a massive pile of junk data (and then no-one will 
care about the licence at all).

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