2010/5/28 Roy Wallace <waldo000...@gmail.com>:
> Right idea, but from my perspective landuse=* shouldn't be used to
> describe an individual feature (like an orphanage), but to describe
> the use of an area of land. If you want to do tiered tags like this
> you'd use something more like amenity=residential_home +
> residential_home=orphanage.
> I.e. an orphanage is a type of residential_home is a type of amenity.
> NOT a childrens_home is a type of residential is a type of landuse.

+1, definitely. It's very consistent.

Anyway, I moved orphanage proposal to 'rejected' status, We can
continue discussion at 'residential_home' proposal
RFC is open since 2009 but there are still things we need to solve:

* name: 'residential_home' or 'assisted_living' (maybe sth. else)?
* sub-tagging: 'residents' or main tag value
* sub-tags value 'children'/'seniors'/etc. or 'orphanage'/'nursing
home'/etc. (hospice maybe?)

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