On Fri, 16 Jul 2010 16:48:49 -0400, Nathan Edgars II wrote:

> I think the two of you are using different definitions of "access
> restrictions". The ones that are implied by motorway relate to whether
> certain vehicles (such as bicycles or shoes) can access the road, while
> a surface expressway (and a motorway) restricts adjacent property owners
> from building driveways to access the road. 

Motorway doesn't (or shouldn't) imply any access restrictions, just that 
it doesn't have at-grade intersections (save for emergency vehicle, or 
rarely, extremely rural range access).  28 states allow all modes on all 
roads, for example, so it's not reasonable to make any access assumptions 
based on the highway=motorway tag.  Oregon, Washington and British 
Columbia are good examples of where this applies.

A few states, usually those with turnpikes, allow bicycles on expressways 
(trunks: motorways with at-grade intersections) and freeways (toll-free 
motorways), but not on turnpikes (toll motorways).

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