On 10/08/2010 03:13, Liz wrote:
On Tue, 10 Aug 2010, Steve Bennett wrote:
Wish there was an agriculture=* tag. Life could be simple:
well living in an agricultural area
I'd start with
agriculture=* is not very acurate
Does it describe the use of the soil, the production of a farm ?
Maybe it is enough for urban poeple, but not for micromapping.
A meadow never produces milk, but a farm.
A vineyard never produces wine, but a winery...
The culture on a field may change often, but the production of a farm seldom...
So I think better to use the tags landuse and produce.

On 10/08/2010 07:31, Steve Bennett wrote:
On Tue, Aug 10, 2010 at 11:32 AM, John Smith<deltafoxtrot...@gmail.com>  wrote:
On 10 August 2010 11:30, Richard Welty<rwe...@averillpark.net>  wrote:
not sure it's wise to try and tag for crop types. many farms
do rotate their crops, after all. not the same from year to year,
and all that.
In the area I grew up in they rotated twice a year in some cases...
True, you wouldn't want to try and tag that. However certain types of
agriculture like vineyards are much more permanent.

So maybe it is appropriate to leave them as landuse:


Presumably a basic distinction between pasture, crops, grapes, and any
kind of tree (orchards, hazelnuts...) would be meaningful and not
change too quickly. Even that might not be maintainable though, since
by definition agricultural areas have low population density (and very
low OSM mapper density...)

The question is also : where do we put the tag ?
If the tag is on a polygon (field or ...), we describe what is on the floor : the landuse=orchard|vinyard|farm|... is good with trees=* On a building, on a site, the tag produce=wine|rice|flowers|milk|vegetables|fruits|... shoud be appropriate

I think this way is more stable.

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