At 2010-08-16 00:24, Samat K Jain wrote:
On Monday, August 16, 2010 01:03:17 am, Alan Mintz wrote:
> For Forest Highways (generally major paved roads): ref=FH nn (e.g.
> name=Angeles Crest Highway + ref=FH 61).
> For Forest Roads/Routes/Truck Trails: ref=FR yDxx (e.g. name=Upper Monroe
> Road + ref=FR 2N16)
> For Forest Trails: ref=FT yDxx (e.g. name=Heaton Flat Trail + ref=FT 8W16)

What are 'y' and 'D' for forest roads and trails?

In southern California at least, USFSroads are numbered with yDxx, where yD is the PLSS[0] township in which the north (?) end of the road lies and xx is a serial number. Trails are numbered xDyy, where xD is the PLSS range in which the trailhead is found and yy is a serial number.


Alan Mintz <>

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