On Wed, Aug 18, 2010 at 11:58 AM, John Smith <deltafoxtrot...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Which is why I added a bunch of tags after describing what it does rent...

Which only a few diehards are ever going to tag. Ease of use for
taggers is a major consideration. More tags=more powerful information,
but less usability.

>> means nothing. "It's a shop where you can rent stuff!" I'd prefer:
>> shop=bicycle
>> rental=bicycle
> -1
> Some rental places offer cars, vans, trucks etc, it's much better to
> use a form similar to what I wrote earlier.
> This is analogous to amenity=fuel and then listing the types of fuel
> sold in separate key/value pairs. We don't tag it as amenity=lpg_fuel.

I don't see the analogy personally, but let's hear from others now.

>> Ok, it doesn't capture the fact the shop only rents, and doesn't sell
>> bikes, but meh. It probably sells accessories.
> From the few times I've rented vehicles, the only thing that most
> rental only business sell you is insurance.

I said "bikes".

(My last post on this thread.)


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